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Customs & Duties

Export of foreign currency of more than $10,000 or other currency equivalent to more than $10,000, is allowable upon the presence of a currency declaration about import of currency, or a certificate given by banks and exchange points. There are no other restrictions, including restrictions on import of foreign currency. There are no limits on goods (such as perfume, cigarettes, or alcohol) brought into Armenia from another country, provided that they are for personal use.

Exit Duty: Exit duty for departing air passengers (AMD 10000 closely to USD 20) is levied on all passengers embarking in Armenia for destinations abroad at the airport of departure. Exceptions: eligible dependants under 12 years; transit passengers; representatives of the International Organizations registered in Ministry of Foreign Affairs of RA; holders of diplomatic passports; employees of foreign Embassies and Consulates and members of their families; Officials and Participants of Delegations arriving in Armenia at the invitation of the President of Armenia, Chairman of the National Assembly, Chairman of Constitutional Court, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs.

More information can be found here: www.customs.am

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