The country code for Armenia is 374. The area code for Yerevan is 10. While calling from the CIS countries the old code 8852 should be used. For calls to mobile phones, the city code is 91 or 93.
Local calls: Local calls can be made from the street by public coin operated telephones. One call costs AMD 70. When calling within Armenia using a standard phone, callers must dial 0 + City Code + Local Number. For call s within Armenia to mobile phones, callers must dial 09 + the number.
International calls. To call outside Armenia, dial 00, followed by the country code (1 for USA and Canada, 31 for the Netherlands), area code and number. International calls can be made from the Post building on the Republic Square as well as from many private international phone service providers available in Yerevan.
Arrival and Departure | Money
Passport and Visas | Transport
Custom and Duties | Telephony
Armenia: General Data | Miscellaneous
Geography and Climate